Support workers

Squad Services

How we can support you

At Disability Support Squad we offer a range of individualised support solutions for NDIS participants. Read on to find out more.

Support Coordination

Support Coordination is a funded support in NDIS plans, that is designed to help you understand your plan and how you can use the supports in it. We understand that the NDIS and plans can be tricky to navigate, having an NDIS Support Coordinator is like having a personal NDIS expert to guide you along your journey. Our support coordinators have expert knowledge of the NDIS and understand what can be spent within each budget and how you can creatively use the funds from each budget to get the most out of your plan. Support Coordinators will also assist you to build capacity and independence along the way whilst helping you to achieve your goals in line with your NDIS plan.

At Disability Support Squad, we understand that everyone is different with different needs; that is why we offer holistic and individualised Support Coordination services that empower our participants. Creating tailored support plans, we consider every individuals circumstances and needs, providing a safe and friendly space for participants to share. We pride ourselves on promoting and encouraging choice and control, by supporting participants to make lifestyle decisions independently!

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

At Disability Support Squad we support you through your recovery journey, drawing on lived experience and practical mental health training. Psychosocial recovery coaches are specialist mental health support people that some NDIS plans give participants access to if they are dealing with mental health conditions.

The recovery coaches role is to assist people with disabilities arising from mental health conditions to live a full and contributing life.  We work with you to ensure you get the support you need, to build on your strengths to achieve the life you deserve to live. This will be different for everyone, your plan might include getting out in the community more, improving coordination of your support team, moving through life's challenges or receiving respite.

We celebrate all achievements, no matter how big or small - when you succeed, we will be there to cheer you on!

In-Home and Community Outreach Support

Disability Support Squad Support Workers aim to assist you to achieve your goals, find your interests and passions or even just enjoy the simplicity of everyday life with support. Our highly supportive team will encourage you to think and dream big when creating personal goals.

At Disability Support Squad our dedicated Support Workers are committed to supporting you to make daily life manageable. Offering a range of services and approaches designed to build independence, increase confidence and capacity while guiding you on your journey to recovery.  Our support workers are empathetic, understanding and non judgemental. We appreciate that everyone has challenges in life and it is our goal to support you through your journey to ensure you are living the life you wish to live, whatever that may look like!

Looking for support with mental health or psychosocial disabilities? Our amazing support workers are not only highly experienced, many of them also have lived experience with their own story or recovery journey regarding mental health. 

At Disability Support Squad we believe that lived experience can create a unique ability for workers to provide support with empathy, understanding and applying a person centred approach and a trauma informed lens. Someone with lived experience can empathise with you and provide meaningful support in your time of need.

Our highly trained Support Workers have a wealth of experience, and can assist you to build capacity in areas such as life skills, financial management skills, communication skills, social skills or independence skills. Ensuring to always model pro-social behaviours and aiming to lead by example whilst working side by side, supporting you to become more independent, exercising choice and control over you own life and becoming your best self!

Supports we provide:

- Assistance with daily activities & self-care (e.g. cleaning, grooming, routine implementing, meal preparation)

- Assistance with social & community participation ( e.g. support to participate in community activities or transport assistance to get you to your appointments, other commitments or grocery shopping )

- Provide guidance to support you to make independent decisions

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